Get your weights in. This weeks biggest loser wins a book.
How about we have another contest this week? Which would you prefer: an incentive to do the challenges or an incentive to lose the most weight? Either way I have another book. Such a Pretty Fat
This lady is hysterical. If you like my humor, you will love this book. She writes JUST like I do. No, really, I could have written this book. SERIOUSLY. She even says things like, what? See? Don't I do that all the time???
Here is one of my most favorite passages:
I'm sure the dogs will sleep easier tonight knowing you won't be chasing them around with a giant metal bird," he replies. Right, like I'm the one who found his father's old bear rug in a box in the basement and put it on his head to "see how the dogs will react." It took me a week to scrub off the putrescent fluid that shot out of Loki's bunghole and onto the cabinet when he caught site of a bear in his kitchen. To this day I can't go to the basement to wash a load of socks without Loki barking his face off to let me know there might be bears downstairs.
Again, this is why we aren't having children.
Just cracks me up! Is it just me or is she funny?? Am I? I mean, we are the same person.
JEN LANCASTER, if you are reading this please let me interview you for my blog.
And....I should write a book. Seriously.
Now what was I talking about?
Oh yea, the winner of this book and last weeks winner.
So let me know what your preference is and I'll announce the results later today. I'll also update the results of everyone's weight loss as we go.
Today's tip is to trick your body into believing you are getting more food. HOW?
Well that's easy. Get a smaller plate and fill it with food. Your body will think it's eating a lot of food when in reality it's eating less.
We can do this guys!!
I had a bad week. I'm going to be transparent here. A bad week.
The worst part is that I have no idea why. I can eat 34 weight watchers points a day and I was eating about 23. I know, I know. With breastfeeding I should have been eating them all. I had one high day.
Speaking of my high day, AMY, what a good friend you are. I keep meaning to call you and tell you how much I appreciate you but never have time.
We all need a friend like Amy. I went back to the dessert bar to get MORE dessert and she reminded me that my high day does have limits. We all need friends who will kick our behinds sometimes.
I'm all over the place with this post.
Anyway, I exercised every single day for a minimum of 20 minutes and hard, I might add. Some days 30 or more. I drank water. I slept, though admittedly not enough.
So, I was pretty defeated yesterday when I weighed and had actually GAINED. GAINED. How is that even possible????
SO I pretty much ate whatever I wanted yesterday. And that included McDonald's which made me sick and gross feeling.
I'm back on track.
How are you doing?
Get me those weights.
Christy 2.04 % Total: 8.89%
Tara .92% 4.71
Amber .65 4.94
Melissa 1.41 2.78
Emily .47 2.75
Me 3.74
Amy 5.56
Jill 2.26
Nicky 1.87
Sandy 3.33
(If anyone wants their total or wants me to post it, just let me know.)
it seems like when you do work out you tend to gain weight or not first. Jack and I joined a gym this weekend. We also joined a softball team and I took CJ and her friend to the waterpark this weekend. I had a ton of exercise. More exercise means I actually drank water too and no pop this whole weekend. I only lost one pound. HOWEVER, the most amazing thing happened this morning... I was able to wear my old jeans! that means I have lost a size. So, I really don't care what that scale says! Don't get discouraged, get encouraged! Good for Amy! I am inspired. I have been getting complimnets but had not "felt" like I lost anything until today! YAY!!!!
thanks for the encouragement cause I sure was going to quit trying last week!
I am just starting my weight loss journey this week. I weighed last week, but didn't want to start my "diet" until this week, and found I had already lost 6lbs! yay! So now I'm starting and my beginning weight is 219. I'm doing the exchange diet, which is what the old weight watchers was. I may do points later on, but for now, I'll stick with exchanges.
I vote for some challenges! :o)
I am glad I could help. Truth be told I really wanted to go back for more too. That night was hard I think all of my favorite high calorie foods were sitting on that bar. I was glad I brought salad. I am a bit discouraged about not losing this week. I worked out like a crazy woman, but people have been noticing a change and I can really tell by the way my clothes fit. I am with you Tara, who cares what the scale says as long as we fit into our clothes better.
I vote for incentive to do the challenges instead of most weight lost.
Did u get my email?
Don't forget to get my weight from last week up there! =)
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