Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Embrace Grace

Our retreat was at Falls Creek in Davis, Oklahoma. Do I have any readers who were there? Wouldn't that have been awesome, to get in contact.

One person I saw, that many of you Okies should know, was Robin Marsh, from the news. I can tell you, she's pretty and she's tan.

Our keynote speaker was Liz Curtis Higgs who wrote Bad Girls of the Bible. I had seen her before at a retreat. She loves God and she loves us. She really makes you feel lovely and cared for. She is hilarious.

You know I mentioned yesterday that I had a cold. One thing about that was that my right eye was constantly leaking. I was laughing or crying through the entire retreat. No one could tell...everyone thought my eye was just leaking.

The Annie Moses Band played for us. They were just fun! They had two songs that I really loved and so bought the CD for the girls. Here is the girls' favorite: Daddy Says I'm Beautiful.

Here is a very funny story the brother told: (You should listen to this with the kids.)

And their mother gave a wonderful message on Godly children.

Also leading worship was Matt Roberson. Couldn't leave him out even if I don't know who he is.

Jen Hatmaker also spoke. She was funny as well. She had a cute little rhyme she taught her son, that I thought I would share with you. (This way I'll know if you've read this far.) When he wipes: If there is brown, roll the paper down.

Even though the speaker was fantabulous and the music was energetic, I was so tired. Oddly enough our roomies were rude. I totally don't get it. The retreat was on grace, and we got stuck with the only ladies in Falls Creek who weren't didnt have any. They stayed up late talking and making fun of us, and got up early talking and being rude and making fun of us. Next time we are getting there earlier and getting a smaller cabin.

Another unusual thing was my good friend Jill, was exactly the same there as she is at home. While others, who will remain nameless as I don't know them well enough to make fun of them, were very different. Go figure! Don't try to guess either...I'm not gonna tell you.

Someone please tell me what was up with the food though. BLECK! I hope none of my readers cooked this weekend cause bleck! That's all I can say. And NO COFFEE until Saturday morning. COME ON! Someone should have told me sooner.

But I really enjoyed it and took home some new truths.


Unknown said...

thats crazy you had rude roomies they were really making fun of you???? how old where they what were they saying thats really crazy!! chads sister always says the food is great so thats funny it was not lol!!

Kelly Deneen Raymond said...

It sounds like a very interesting experience!

Thanks for visiting my blog earlier today! :) No, I'm not TTC at the moment, although I want to this year...maybe. ha!

Amy said...

You only thought you fooled everyone with that leaky eye story, but you didn't fool me! It's hard to fool a friend who loves you.

Are you proud of me for finally commenting. I have officially stopped lurking around your blog.

Michelle said...

AMY, you are my bestest friend EVER!!!! Thank for coming out of lurkdom. Now everyone can get to know you...all you need is a blog. TOO MUCH? Did I come on too strong?

Well I thought I had you fooled...but seriously, the message on the Prodigal son...how could I not cry????

Christy, it was crazy! Was Chad's sister there this year? Ask her how she liked the food. Breakfast was decent, right Amy?