Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Advent day 10-Let's eat in here, and in here, and in here

Can you guess what we ate for dinner?

Cocoa tasting was a HIT, as you will see from the pictures.  We ate so many cookies we had belly aches.  The rule is if you eat so many cookies you get a belly ache you aren't allowed to complain. (And I tried to make believe I'm a good mom since we only do this once a year.)

Today's activity:

Progressive dinner.  I let them pretty much pick which course they wanted to prepare and they get to pick where to serve it. When Asa was asked where he wanted to serve drinks he said in the bottom.  Bottom of what?  The bottom of the cup, of course.

Today's blessing:

Make someone a snack.


Ashlea said...


sara said...

oh, yum! Looks like so much fun!! What great memories for your kiddos!!