So you want the story?
Well my husband went out of the country for a month. And that left me at home with five children, three four and under. Here is what a day was like.
6:00 (if I was lucky) Jerusha would wake up to nurse and not go back to sleep. Asa would wake up and want a bottle. Mill would wake up and join us or go to her sisters or ask to watch cartoons. My day begins.
I may have gotten to lay there as the three of them read together and were sweet to each other. I would often open an eye to Jerusha stroking Asa's face or pulling his hair. I would drift off to sleep. You moms know how that works. You pop open your eyes when you hear someone say "Don't stick that in her mouth."
Then I start with dressing three children, changing diapers, breastfeeding, rocking, preparing meals, playing games, doing crafts, watching cartoons, reading books, playing, cleaning, laundry, diapers, nursing, rocking.
Blessedly rest time would arrive and I would lay Asa down for his nap, nurse Jerusha, rock her, lay down with her for
15 minutes when my day would pick up again.
Then I would start baths, feeding children, reading books, playing, cleaning, laundry, diapers, nursing, rocking, puzzles, crafts.
Some days were interspersed with library and friends and going to Mimi's, one child at a time.
Then it would be bed time and I would
change diapers, change clothes, make bottles, read books, tuck in, hug and kiss, answer questions, nurse Jerusha, rock Jerusha.
Then about 9:30 everyone would be asleep and I could talk to Jeff on the email. Right before I had to
make bottles, change diapers, nurse Jerusha, and go to bed.
So, yea, I was a little too busy to blog. And frankly, I didn't want any child molesters or serial killers to know Jeff was gone and visit us.
So here are some pictures for you.
Ashlea one week from her due date.
Millicent in french braids that Ashlea did.
Asa and Jerusha; how cute are they?
Millicent and Asa; how sweet are they?
Now I went shopping the other day. I've always heard that if you wear clothes that fit you you look smaller. But I'm not buying it. Okay I bought it, but I'm not believing it.
See here:
Just ignore the spit up, dirt and wrinkles that might lead one to believe I slept in that shirt. Just notice how I look in this photo.
Big? Well I am big.
BUT, do I look bigger in baggie clothes or clothes that fit better?
Ashlea told me to smile. Or maybe I'm just crazy. I don't know.
To me it just seems like I'm bigger in the fitted clothes because you can actually see my rolls of fat. And no one wants to see that.
To me it just seems like I'm bigger in the fitted clothes because you can actually see my rolls of fat. And no one wants to see that.
Millicent is STILL sucking her thumb. Like it's oxygen. In other words, non stop. Which is weird because it just started about eight months ago and hasn't let up.
Here you go:
Any suggestions?
Speaking of weirdness. Asa loves dirt. And rocks. And crayons. And markers. And paint. TO EAT.
See this:
He's smiling because he's about to eat that rock...I'm sure there's drool somewhere.
For the fourth we went to our annual destination to visit family and celebrate our matriarchs birthday.
Here is what I did:
They did eventually learn to swim without me holding them. Well not Jerusha. I just threw her in and let her sink. Oh well.
I tried out these really nice diapers sent to me by Cutey Baby
. They are mostly a one size but they don't fit newborns to about eight months. And she told me that.
You can see how cute they are. But how did they hold up?
Well they got piley after the first wash but even after several more washes they didn't get worse.
My favorite feature was how soft they were. Through many washes they did not lose that softness.
They are AIO's and pockets. For the nighttime use with Millicent I didn't stuff them. They worked all night.
When I tried them with Asa, I stuffed them with two microfiber inserts and they lasted through the morning.
I LOVE them. The weird thing is the fold back tabs. They aren't connected to the diaper and seem like a waste of time. You are suppose to leave them in the laundry room or's just an unneeded extra step. I just kept them connected.
Thanks for letting me try them!
There are lots of cute prints and can be bought at Amazon
Right now I'm in disposables. Well, I'm not. The kids are. I HATE disposables. EVERY SINGLE TIME Jerusha poops in a disposable I have to change her clothes. Can't anyone make a disposable that contains breastfed poo? Cloth does.
But I thought not having to change diapers as frequently and not having to wash, fold and put away would be easier on me. Well changing Jerusha's clothes three or fours times a day is a toss up.
But I'm also having ammonia problems. If you leave the diaper on for too long, the ammonia begins to burn their skin. So I have to get that worked out.
Well okay. That's everything you need to know about me. How are you? Any good posts I need to read?
Update me.
...and I thought having a "full time job" was hard work. I applaud you and your non-stop efforts and accomplishments in doing what God wants you to do with your children!!
wow, bravo to you michelle. crazy times. can't believe how low ashlea's belly is! hope that baby (and mine lol) comes soon. oh, and you definitely look WAY smaller in the fitted clothes.
baby is almost here!
You look way smaller in the fitted clothes - try a solid shirt with a V neck... I think V necks de-emphasis a bigger chest and make people look longer.
agreeing with v neck, fitted just solid color.
Its so nice to see your last few posts... I am fixing to follow your lead on the writers workshop bucket list... absolutely fabulous. And yes... Ashlea's belly is WAY lower!!!
First off, Millicent's going to be a super model. Seriously.
Secondly, definitely tighter clothes. BUT. No stripes. Stripes are a NO if you're wanting to look smaller.
I miss you and yo kids.
Your kids are getting so big and are super cute!!!
I think you look better in the fitted clothes. I always feel better when I clothes on that fit me even if my fat rolls are showing.
I've been MIA too with the morning (all day) sickness (gone now) and the month+ long vacations we've been on. Gald to be back and glad to read your update.
Michelle, The reason your grandpa was so proud of his service over seas, probably not many realise.
It was the importance of his job, without dad and his crew, there were no communications for the command to send information out to there leaders and vice versa.
you speak of the technology that we all share of today, well, back then they had 2 way radio, but it couldn't be used during the march thru Europe. The enemy couldn't be allowed to intercept any of the most important orders sent out ahead our frontline.
Grandpa with his team, kept the communications open 24/7 all during his tour. The dedication and importance that he put on himself, crew and job is what helped win the war and make America the county it is today.
Sure it could have been done by many other men, but your grandpa volunteered to put his life inbeetween enemy lines at all hrs of day and night and more often then not, without military protection. He was awarded the Bronze Star 3 times, yes "3" times.
You bet he had lots of stories to tell and share, who wouldn't. People may just think that old man, all he has to talk about is that old stupid war, but his service and dedication to our country is what helped to make it what it was and somewhat still today! So if anyone ever wonders why he told those old war stories and why he did some of the things that he did, maybe now they can understand..........
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