Friday, November 21, 2008

Family Friday

On Saturday we do a Spring Clean. We vacuum, sweep and mop, dust, clean glass, organize, pick up, and do laundry including sheets. Within an hour or two our house is perfect and we are free to relax. But my husband doesn't relax. He keeps working. So this Saturday I decided that I would keep working too. And here is what I did.

PUMPKINS. YEP. All day long, I cooked, cleaned, gutted, and baked pumpkins with Kati and occasionally Kori.

Then we made pumpkin muffins.

Pumpkin seeds.

Pumpkin smoothies.

Pumpkin soup for lunch after church.

We also made oatmeal bake and a loaf of bread. I loved it and so did Kati. We are doing bananas tomorrow.


Yara said...

well now I want a pumpkin muffin
looks yummy

Anonymous said...

Kati sure does love to cook! It just is so sweet that you two are able to do that together. It really warms my heart.

Michelle said...

Yara! Of course I'd be happy to share.

Kati does love to cook, but I dont think I have a girl in my house who doesnt. Ashlea is amazing! Kori wasnt feeling well that day and Millicent was hanging out with Jeff quite a bit because she wasnt up to speed yet in her recovery either.

It blesses me to cook with my daughters!