Monday, September 22, 2008

Money Saving Monday

Tissues to handkerchiefs

I have an update for this. Someone gave me a great idea about using old T-shirts cut up as handkerchiefs and getting a new one after each use. Just keep them on the back of the toilet or in the kitchen, or wherever you would keep kleenex and reuse. So I'm going to gather up some old T-shirts and do so. That was a great idea.

Inexpensive plastic “Take & Toss” sippy cups to Kleen Kantene or Sigg

I'm tossing all the cheap cups. See my thing though, is that I dont like sippy cups for children. I think they need to know how to drink from a regular cup. But there are times, like when we are driving or when they want something in bed, that spill proof is important. So at Target this weekend I found some BPA, spill proof Avent cups. Got one for Asa and Millicent. It's a compromise. It was cheaper than KK but still better quality than the take and toss.

Disposable water bottles to (again) reusable bottles like Sigg or Camelbac

We have tons of water bottles around for us to reuse. While we dont have these more expensive brands we do have metal water bottles. I'm going to freecycle the plastic ones. (Trying to get rid of all the BPA.)

How are you doing with your challenge?


Bonnie said...

oh you beat me to it!! Lol~ I was going to write a post to go along with my theme of living more simply about this very thing on Saturday but didn't get around to it (o: maybe I still will though......
Glad you're on the ball!

Michelle said...

Please post about it. I'll come read. We all have different views, and certainly different ideas.