Monday, November 8, 2010

Tuesday Parenting Tips--Potty Training

Isn't he cute? Good thing. 

I cannot get this boy potty trained. Now let it be known that I have potty trained other children before him.  By TWO years of age! And not just my own children but other people's children too.  However, they were all girls.

So now we are to Asa and he's messing up my perfect record.  What to do, what to do?  The boy won't even sit on the potty.

Surely someone has some answers for me. Or better yet, just come on over and potty train him.  That's the ticket.

I had some great responses to last weeks parenting question.  Please continue to offer advice there as I still haven't worked out the kinks.  One thing I did start doing was asking them what is expected of them. Not sure if it's working but it puts the onus on them at least. 

If you have a question you want our help with, please ask.


Yara said...

Sorry. I just had to LOL. Now, I know it isn't funny (to you) and you probably feel he must potty train right now (for what? Preschool? Come on, it's you Michelle. You don't do preschool=no deadline!)
I've said it before. Kids will use the potty when they are good and ready. Pushing leads to nothin good. Unless you enjoy poopy underwear. But then you might have issues.
Give him time. He will do it. When he's ready. For now, enjoy this last bit of babyness. Because, once you potty train him, he is one step closer to being a man who is gonna move out on his own (noooooo! Stay babies!!!)
Girl, relax.....

Unknown said...

I haven't even started to think about potty training Ethan. He will be 2 at the end of Dec. He has a potty and that's about as far as we have gotten. I think I will wait till next summer after the little girl is a bit older and I'm not just sitting around nursing her all day!
Good luck!

AmberRay said...

My youngest just turned 3 in October and he is not interested at all. I have a 10 year old son and a 5 year old daughter whom I already trained but they were no picnic either LOL.

Now I am due this month with a another baby boy and I wanted to have him trained before then but it doesn't look like it will happen right now. I keep on asking but he doesn't want anything to do with it. So, you are not alone :)

AmberRay said...

My youngest just turned 3 in October and he is not interested at all. I have a 10 year old son and a 5 year old daughter whom I already trained but they were no picnic either LOL.

Now I am due this month with a another baby boy and I wanted to have him trained before then but it doesn't look like it will happen right now. I keep on asking but he doesn't want anything to do with it. So, you are not alone :)

Billy and Kate said...

i say drop it altogether if he isn't interested and try again in 4-6 months. i think you are too used to girls, lol. it's very common for boys not to be potty trained until around 3.5 years. also, it may be helpful if jeff did the potty training for asa - make it a "guy" thing.

Twisted Cinderella said...

I am going to be following this one as we are embarking on our potty training journey too and I am at a loss as to how I did this the first time.

Michelle G said...

you've been tagged over at :)

Not sure about the potty training stuff - my boys were always willing to pee on anything outside...then with 5 boys there's always been an older brother to "show em how" - :)
good luck!

Michelle G said...

yeah...I mis-spelled my own blog - of those days ya know :)

Anonymous said...

I'm So sososososo glad I'm not the only one with an untrained 3 year old.
People always say to me, "He's not TRAINED??" in the same voice they would use if I told them that I fed him cat food. And then they go on to inform me all their children were potty trained at 18 months.

Anonymous said...

Our eldest did not train until right after he turned 3. It was completely his decision, he wanted the fire truck (we bought a fire truck as a reward for when he was out of diapers), he knew what he had to do, so that was the end of diapers. He was day and night trained in 1 day. Now with #2 and #3, #3 was trained before #2, 3 is a girl and a year younger than #2. Again, it was both of their choices, and it took them a little longer, she was just over 2 when she started going, and even now, at 7, still wears UnderJams at night. She will get there eventually, so until then, we buy the UnderJams.

Stacy T said...

I second what the others all said - he will do it when he's good and ready! Relax, encourage, praise the other kids who use the potty, but don't make it an "issue"... C'mon, Michelle, you know there aren't too many college kids still in diapers. :D

Nicole said...

We sink the Cheerio. It's kind of a weird thing, but it totally motivated my nephews. The kids I nanny for were done by three, but boys are so iffy. You could do what I did with him. I took off all of his clothes, and started the water. I made him drink like 10 glasses of water a day. Ridiculous. And I had potties everywhere. Worked like a charm. And I danced when he went. And there were Cheerios.

sara said...

Thanks for visiting my blog, 8aplenty! I am a new follower. I am loving the pics of your kids, they are beautiful. Of course, I have a soft spot for big families:) Ahhhh, potty training. Wouldn't you think with all of our kids we could just point at the potty and the kid would just go on it?? You will love my post "The adventures of a potty training toddler." Have a great day!

Michelle said...

You guys are the best. I KNOW I need to let it be and he'll learn when he's ready, but will he actually come to me some day and TELL ME??? Not sure. never had that happen out of the blue.

But just to help him along I'm going to offer to buy him a tractor to ride on for when he learns. I think he's ready...for some reason he just won't do it.