Thursday, March 12, 2009

Happy Thursday

YES IT IS! Tonight is Survivor for all you fans out there. Please come back tomorrow for any discussion you desire. And all you fuddy duddies that don't like it, well I finally have some fans. So nanner nanner nanner.

Yesterday I got an awesome package in the mail from BzzCampaigns. It was a full bottle of Palmolive's new dish washing detergent, Pure and Clear. I can't wait to try it. I've always liked Palmolive but since I made the switch to more natural products I quit buying it. I also have samples to give out to friends. I'm excited about sharing.

In case you haven't heard of House Party, I thought I'd give a quick snippet about it too. They give you enough product to share with your friends, while having a party and discussing it. I had a Greenie party. But they also have kids products and movies/TV shows. Really exciting. Please invite me if you get one. Right now they are recruiting Clairol, Werthers and others. Check them out.

Also, Tide has a new campaign going. They are providing clean clothes to disaster victims. It's called the Loads of Hope program. Please check it out when you get a chance. Let's let them know that bloggers can really get the word out...if you would, blog about it too.

I'll be back in just a minute with Writer's Workshop.

1 comment:

Yara said...

house party sounds fun... hope they pick me!