Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My girl...talkin' ' girl, my girl

MY GIRL. She's three today. Oh, man. I can still just picture her precious little face as I held her in the water. sweet and tiny she was as we cut her umblical cord. How soft she was as I nursed her that first time there on the bed. It was just yesterday.

And now here, today, she is three. THREE YEARS OLD. Where did the time go?

She blesses us in so many ways. Before I ever conceived her I dedicated her to the Lord. And since, I have offered her to Him, regularly. I pray he uses her mightily.

To us, she is sunshine.

I leave you with a montage of Millicent's favorite thing: dressing herself. The girls got style. (And lots of nudity.)

She was even dressing up before she was born.


Unknown said...

Happy 3rd birthday Mill! I hope you like your present! :)

Unknown said...

Beautiful little girl! Happy Birthday sweet one.
Thanks for visiting my blog, I appreciate your nice comment.

Michelle said...


She did Marcy. Everyone thought it was really pretty and it fit just right...I bought a beautiful child sized necklace from Marcy.

Unknown said...

haha too cute! do you guys have the Fancy Nancy books? she might enjoy them if she's big into dressing up. Izzy really likes hers.

Michelle said...

No, we don't have those. She would LOVE those. Thanks!!! I'll look at the library today when we are out for her birthday lunch. The snow kept us in for 2 days. BOO!